Monday, July 7, 2014



4th Post on Hendersons

Below is a family photo taken at a Henderson reunion in Forest Hill, Louisiana about 1905.  Below the photo is the identification of the individuals appearing in the picture. This picture will hopefully be replaced with a better copy.

Henderson Family Reunion
Forest Hill, Louisiana
About 1905

Left to Right Children in front Row: First 2 unknown, Murph, Evie, Newt & Richard Henderson, Dewey Mizell, 2 Bond Children, Eddie Dunn, Orville Perry, Howard Butter, Clarence Perry, Edith Butter, Mary & Evie Henderson, Lee Perry. 2nd Row Sitting Ellis Chevalier and child, Henry Robert Butter, Dallas Butter, Lavinia Butter, Vanie Dunn, Emily & Henry Henderson, Laura & Jim Henderson, Clarence & Lydia & Houston Henderson, Grandpa (James H.) Henderson with Thelma Mizell in lap, Grandma (Sarah Frances) Henderson, Allen & Melissa Henderson, James & Frances Dunn with Lessie & Myrtle in their laps, Grif Perry with child in lap, Seebie Perry, Tabitha Henderson, Gertye Johnson holding Clyde, Fannie & Mary Ellen Perry, Ella Henderson.  Back Row: Lin Hicks, Arthur, Vergie & Dave Dunn, Lizzie Pittman, Eliza & Frances Henderson, Willie Henderson, Margaret Bond with Carrie in front, Marcus, Amanda, Alice & Emma Henderson, Sarah & Charlie Dunn, Mason & Clarinda and sarah Perry, Zettie Mizell, John & Theodore Henderson.  In Back Lyman Mizell with Vera & Richard Bond.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014



3rd post on Henderson

     The previous two posts have presented and explained the known facts and documents available for James H. Henderson and Sarah Frances Odom Henderson.  In this post, I will attempt to put those bits of information together into a more cohesive picture of their life.  Only assumptions can be made for some of the gaps in records but using the known records surrounding those times, the assumptions are more educated guesses.  Below is a picture of James and Sarah, date unknown, but probably about 1900.

James H. and Sarah Odom Henderson
About 1900
     According to several records, James Henderson was born in Clarke County, Alabama on 8 August 1821.  The year varies somewhat but 1821 or 1822 seem to be correct.  So far, nothing is known of him again until he marries Sarah Frances (Francis) Odom about 1844-1846.  This guess is made because their first child, Allen W. Henderson, was born in May 1847.  No marriage record has appeared but Sarah's family was residing in Simpson County, Mississippi so it is likely that they were married either in Simpson or an adjacent county.  A word here - many internet trees have a marriage place of Bolivar County, Mississippi.  Looking at a map of Mississippi, this seems improbable since Bolivar is way north of Simpson and Lawrence Counties where the Hendersons lived for many years and where the Odoms were already living when James and Frances married.
     In the 1850 census James and Sarah are still in Simpson County and have their first two children, Allen and Richard.  So far, they have not been found in the 1860 census in any of the surrounding counties so it is possible the enumerator missed them.  However, in January 1862, James enlisted to serve in the Confederate Army in Brookhaven, Lawrence County, Mississippi so we can assume that in 1860 they were already living in Lawrence County.  Between 1850 and 1860 four more children were added to the family: Maryann Dorothy, Caroline, James W. and Henry.  James H. was released from service due to an ulcerated foot and leg and began to struggle to farm in order to provide for his family.
     The family was still residing in Lawrence County in the 1870 census and during the 1860's had added the last two children: Sarah Frances in February 1862 which is one month after James enlisted and Yosebia Lavinia in 1865.
     From James' pension application we know that the Hendersons moved from Lawrence County to Calcacieu Parish, Louisiana in October 1873.  They appear there on the 1880 census.  There is a huge gap in their life with the missing 1890 census but in 1900 they are in Forest Hill, Spring Hill Ward, Rapides Parish, Louisiana.  A great number of their family members resided in that area as memorialized in a family picture taken about 1905 at a Henderson reunion.
     Looking at the census records, it is obvious that James and Sarah did not just pick up and move by themselves.  In 1850, living in the second dwelling from James and Sarah, were her parents, Richard and Elizabeth Odom (misspelled Oldham).  On the same page is John Odom - possibly a brother to Sarah and son of Richard.  In 1870 on the same page as the Hendersons is the William Thompson family including their son Hugh B. and wife Maryann D(orothy), the daughter of James and Sarah. In 1880 in Calcasieu Parish, living next door to James and Sarah, are James D. Dunn and wife Sarah Frances (Henderson) Dunn, daughter of James and Sarah.  Three dwellings away is son Richard Henderson and four dwellings away are son James Henderson and wife Laura J. Dunn. In 1900, in Rapides Parish, on the same page as James H. and Sarah is granddaughter, Lavinia M. Dunn and husband Henry Robert Butter.  On the following page is son Henry Henderson and wife Emily and family.
     We don't know what prompted the Hendersons to move from Simpson to Lawrence County, Mississippi then to Calcacieu and on to Rapides Parish, Louisiana.  James was a farmer all his life but maybe they were following their children to new areas as most, if not all, of their children ended up in Louisiana.
     Sadly, by 1900, James H. Henderson had been denied a Civil War pension and struggled to farm enough to feed he and Sarah.  His diseased leg and foot never healed.  They did live surrounded by a large family so, hopefully, they had help when needed.  James died at age 87 on 3 April 1909 in Forest Hill, Rapides Parish, Louisiana.  He is buried in the Butter Cemetery in Forest Hill.  Below is a photo of his marker.

Tombstone James H. Henderson
Butter Cemetery
Forest Hill, Rapides, LA
     Again, there is a discrepancy on James' birth date as the the marker says he was born in 1811.  This has to be a mistake of the engraver or the person giving the information as nowhere is that date indicated in any of the records created while he was alive.
     Sarah Frances Odom Henderson lived another two years, residing with one of their sons in Forest Hill during that time. Sarah died 20 September 1911, age 85.  She is also buried in the Butter Cemetery, Forest Hill, Rapides Parish, Louisiana.  Below is a photo of her marker. Again, there is a mistake in birth date, the marker showing 1816, a full ten years before her actual birth.

Sarah Frances Odom Henderson
Butter Cemetery
Forest Hill, Louisiana

Tuesday, July 1, 2014



2nd post on Hendersons

Continuing from the previous post, James H. Henderson served in the Civil War and as a result, applied for a pension. The actual pension papers are difficult to read when copied and posted to a website so below is a transcription of his application. In the question and answer section, James Henderson's replies are in red.
Page 1
Number 2692
Soldier's Application for Pension
James Henderson
P.O. Forest Hill
Company & Regiment Co A 22 Miss
Filed July 7th 1899

Page 2
I, James Henderson, a native of Alabama, now resident of Louisiana, Forest Hill, Rapides.........was a soldier from the state of Miss(issippi) in the Confederate States army...........

1. In what country, State, county and year were you born? Clark Co. Ala in the year 1821 on the 8th day of Aug.
2. When and where did you enlist, and in what company? Jan 1862 at Brookhaven, Lawrence Co. Miss in Co A Miss Grays 22nd Miss.
3.Name of regiment and company officers when you enlisted, and under whom you were serving at the date of your discharge or parole. Capt. Otiss 1st Liet Vest Guyn
4. Were you wounded...............what circumstances during war you received your injuries? was not wounded, was discharged on unknown sickness. Rheumatism and my left leg becoming injured and causing a very large ulcer which is still there never having healed. almost destroyed it.
5. What was the precise nature of your wound or wounds, if any? Ulcerated leg and foot
6. If you have lost a limb or an eye, state when and how. have not. my leg and foot has been nearly destroyed. at times can not use it.
7. Were you discharged from the army by reason of wound, wounds or from the effects of service? by the effects of service and desise (sic)
8. If discharged or paroled from the army, where were you and what did you do until the close of the war? at home in Lawrence Co Miss was unable to do anything.
9. What was the name of the surgeon who attended you when discharged? Dr. Phillips
10. Where were you at the surrender? at home in Miss.
11. If a prisoner, in what............. was not
12. Did you take the oath of Allegiance to the United States Government at any time during the war?
14. How long have you been a resident of the State of Louisiana next preceding the date of the application? Where have you resided during that period? Twenty-five years last Oct.
15. Are you married or have you been married? Yes
16. If so, what is the size of your family? self and wife
17. What is the respective ages of your wife and children? My wife is 74 years.
18. How many children have you, and how many of each sex? 4 boys and 4 girls all married and away.
19. Are you engaged in any business? If so, what do you earn? I try to farm.
20. Have you any estate in your own right, real or personal, and what is its value? have none whatsoever.
21. Has your wife any estate in her own right.........? none
22. How have you derived support for yourself and family if you have one, for the last five years?
by what I could make at farming
23. What prevents you from earning a living now? Old age and a cripled (sic) and desised (sic) leg and foot
24. Do you use any intoxicants to any extent? none whatever
25. Have you an attorney to look after this application? Yes
26. Give the name, address, and the compensation agreed between you.
E.E. Galligann, Forest Hill, Station
27. Give names of two or more of your comrades with their postoffice addresses.
H. B. Thompson Oakdale Alen Henderson Forest Hill
28. Give your postoffice address and that of two witnesses
Forest Hill, La HB Thompson Oakdale, La AC Henderson, Forest Hill, La

     The above application gives some great information as well as verifying information gathered or assumed from other sources.
     James says in question number 1 that he was born in Clarke County, Alabama on 8 Aug 1821.  This year agrees with his age given in the 1870 census and is one year earlier than is given in the 1900 census.
     In question number 18, he says he has four boys and four girls.  This agrees with the children found on the census records from 1850 through 1880 when there were children living in the house.  It also agrees with the 1900 census where Sarah Henderson said she was the mother of 8 children and 8 children were living. This seems to agree with the rest of question 18 when James says all the children are married and away indicating that they are all still living.
     In question 17 he gives his wife's age as 74; since this application is being submitted in July 1899, she would still be 74 turning 75 in August which puts her birth year in 1826.  This agrees with almost all the census records.
     In questions 2 and 8, James indicated that he enlisted in Brookhaven, Lawrence County, Mississippi in 1862 and returned there where he remained through the war's end.  This coincides with the place of residence in 1850 and 1870 (1860 is missing).
     In the 1880 census, the Hendersons have moved to Calcacieu Parish, Louisiana - but when?  His application gives the answer to that in question 14.  He says that as of October 1898 he has lived in the State for 25 years.  This means they moved there in October 1873.  This might be able to be verified by looking at the tax records for Calcasieu Parish.
     The two people James gave as having served with in the Civil War were Alen Henderson and HB Thompson.  Alen was his son who was born in 1848 and H B Thompson was his son-in-law who married daughter, Dorothy who was born in 1851.
     James Henderson's application for a pension was denied because his records could not be found.  Many of the Confederate records were lost during and after the war.

Next post: Summary of James  H. and Sarah Frances Odom Henderson plus pictures