Butter (son of Henry Butter and Susan Eliza O'Neal) was the first
child and was born in 1850 in Forest Hill, Rapides Parish, Louisiana.
Emily Graham was the daughter of Robert Graham and Ruth Lucy Smith.
Emily was born in Louisiana – probably Jackson Parish.
referenced before, there is an excellent Graham blog called SouthernRoots and Shoots. For most of the Graham information, I will defer
to that resource. However, besides covering William and Emily Graham
Butter, I would like to present some information on Emily's mother,
Ruth Lucy Smith. Until recently, nothing was known of the Smith
line. Working backwards, here is what has been discovered.
the 1880 census, there was a Thomas Walker, white, male, 22 years old
living in the household of William and Laura Graham. William and
Emily were siblings. Backing up to the 1870 census for Rapides
Parish, William and Emily (Graham) Butter had Elizabeth Walker, 7,
female, white, living in the same house.
Rapides Parish were also Joel Merchant and Elizabeth (Graham)
Merchant with Dempsey Walker, 12, female, white.
in 1870 were Daniel H. Willis and wife Julianna (Graham) Willis with
Sarah Walker, 17, white, female.
to Robert Graham (father of the above Grahams) were William Walker,
17, male, white, and Thomas Walker, 13, male, white.
what was the connection with the Grahams and the Walkers? Going back
another ten years, there is a Thomas Walker, 33, born Mississippi and
wife Charity Walker, 44, born Mississippi. Their children were
Charlotte, 9; William, 7 and Sarah 7; Jefferson 4 (this was Thomas);
and Dempsy, 2.
Walker (oldest son of Thomas and Charity) lived as an adult in
Rapides Parish, Louisiana. His death record appears in Louisiana
Death Index 1850-1875 and lists his mother's maiden name as Charity
Smith. From this bit of information plus the fact that the Walker
children were all living with Graham families from 1860 forward, then
it is likely that Charity Smith and Ruth Lucy Smith are sisters. Next
step will be to try to find parents and other siblings.
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